BIRCH-1 –a new draft gear from Birch. During the design, the operating experience of other models and the mathematical model of the draft gear's operation in the railcar were taken into account.
The production of the accessories and the assembly of products is carried out on high-tech equipment. The availability of highly qualified personnel ensures high productivity and quality of the manufactured product.
Technical specifications of the draft gear BIRCH-1
Energy capacity at delivery
Nominal energy capacity
Maximal energy capacity
Design rating travel
Warranty period
Overhaul life
Life until discarded
Resource by quantity of force
Load capacity according to the body structural strength
no less 50 kJ
no less 70 kJ (at 2 МН)
no less 90 kJ (at 3 МН or design travel)
no more 120 mm
8 years
16 years
32 years
no less 250 MJ
no less 3,5+10% МН (no less 385 МН)
get the results of nominal and maximum energy capacity without run-in operation
provides a longer period of operation with maximum energy capacity
designed taking into account the climatic conditions of the railcar operations
100% localization of the production of all materials and accessories on the territory of the Russian Federation
application of polymer pads Birchpad proprietary development and production